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"Humans and animals are not at all 

so different, you just have to learn to understand their language first to speak to them."

Schmitzberger Lisa

Dogsitting, care and more...

The right communication is key!


Welcome at dog to dog!
Resocialization and Training for your beloved dog, no matter what the problem is - my slogan is:

There is always a solution!


Since I've had many positive reactions and gained plenty of experience with different dogs and their owners I want to turn my passion into my job.

I'm keen to meet you and your dog and would love to work on a plan to bring back harmony to everyones home!

Next to dogsitting I also offer rehabilitations, dog massage and personalized training.


Just call me to find out more! 




There is always a solution!

! Dogs live in the Present!

People in the past


A new way

Whatever troubles you - whether it's the family dog, your puppy, a four-legged friend in the neighborhood or a boisterous newcomer from the animal shelter ...

I am glad to help!


It doesn't cost anything to ask

like my first interview!


The first step is always the hardest.

You can always change something about your own behavior. Dogs forgive a lot, humans less forgiveness - change begins in the head.

Don't be resentful! Find trust!


"Dogs have all the good qualities of humans without having their faults at the same time"

Frederick the Great

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